LA PIETÁ (5 films & 9 photographs), 2013
Videoart (5 x 1 minute), color & C-Print
Videos with monitor or special metal iron box installation


La Pietá is composed of 5 separate films and 9photographs, that progressively deal with the shift from childhood to adulthood.  A slow motion silent performance that plays with the iconography of the 14th and 15th century Christian paintings and sculptures, whereas the artist’s symbolic translation goes far beyond any religious context. The human and their emotions become the center of the narrative. The visual set up is pop, the storytelling nevertheless deals with voyeurism, sexual abuse and the symbolic of a medieval age key, that refers to the inner wisdom and pure childhood treasures and secrets that we all keep inside of us.

… Part sculpture, part performance, Annina Roescheisen’s cinematic narration expresses the iconography of Christian painting from the 14th to the 15th century. Informing through images, translating the cycle of life and presented in five acts, the performing and staging of “Pieta” depicts the transition from childhood to adulthood, the construction of the self and the relationship between mother and child, like a series of single breaths before the world.

La Pietá deals with questions of childhood and adulthood, with identity, with the feminine, as well as with sexual abuse, voyeurism and childhood trauma.

A simplified pop and flashy visual approach characterises the discursive progression from a new teddy to a scarred teddy, from a young girl to a grown woman; the message acquires meaning, providing a solution and a sense of progress. With the allusion underpinned and the memory etched, the material object of affection encounters the harshness of a fixed smile. Against a background of inflatable toys, the breath of life grows weaker, giving way to an embellished rebirth… Establishing a posture, penning a speech, becoming one with your surroundings, thus the artist is defined, thus the being is consecrated…
(Texte by Marine Varoquier)

Pieta by Annina Roescheisen

Pieta Teddy 2 _work by Annina Roescheisen_2013

Pieta_ Teddy_by Annina Roescheisen_2013

Pieta_photo by Annina roescheisen_1

Pieta Teddy 5- work by Annina Roescheisen_2013

Pieta_photo by Annina roescheisen_4

Pieta Teddy5 _work by Annina roescheisen

La pieta - videoart and photography Annina Roescheisen